Are We Living in “1984”?

In Preston Russett’s “A Contemporary Portrait of Information Privacy: Collective Communicative Consequences of Being Digital,” he talks about how our our world is turning into that of George Orwell’s novel 1984. Like the novel, we have “no expectations of privacy.” We could be and are being watched almost all the time. Any movements, activities, mouse…

Anime Fandom Creativity and its Effect on Globalization

In class last week, we talked about file sharing and pirating and how common it is for almost everyone to download pirated materials these days without a second thought. In another class of mine, Global Cinema, we also talked about pirating. Denison’s article “Transcultural creativity in anime: Hybrid identities in the production, distribution, texts and…

WikiLeaks at the Movies

WikiLeaks was popularized and promoted on Twitter; supporters of WikiLeaks were and are able to stay connected through the use of the #WikiLeaks hashtag on the popular micro blogging site. WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, became household names through the spreading of WikiLeaks news primarily through the use of Twitter, which then led the…

Transmedia Culture

I think that transmedia is the future for the film industry as well as the industries connected to it. The idea of transmedia is discussed at length in chapter three of Henry Jenkins’ Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. Jenkins specifically writes about The Matrix and how the producers and financiers created a…

Burning Man Meets Google: Collaborative Workspaces

In Turner’s “Burning Man at Google: A cultural infrastructure for new media production,” a new kind of collective workspace is proposed. This new workplace can be seen in any workspace from a place like Burning Man to a place like Google. It exists in workspaces dedicated to new media production. This workspace needs three things:…

Anonymous Representation of Self

We tend to stay pretty close to our real identity in social networking situations if we want to have any chance of having a real connection with people because people in real life know us and know who we are. If we were to present a false identity to them, they would know, and they…

Say Anything or Say Nothing

Phatic communication is not necessarily a bad thing, but does it hold any real meaning? I feel as if every time I go on Facebook all I see is people sharing music videos, posting statuses complaining about how much homework they have, and posting Buzzfeed lists on their friends’ walls. We’re all communicating, but it’s…

Mind the Gap

Gapminder is a non-profit organization revolving around the idea of “a fact-based world view.” Their mission is to “[fight] devastating ignorance with fact-based worldviews everyone can understand.” The website provides videos, presentations, lesson plans, charts, and data about world issues such as HIV rates, child mortality rates, the wealth and heath of nations, unemployment rates,…

Interactive Art: Digital or Physical?

Lev Manovich’s The Language of New Media gave me a new outlook on what makes a piece of art interactive. In discussing “What New Media is Not,” Manovich points out that the interactiveness of new media is not, in fact, new.  Classical (and modern) physical art is interactive, just as any art or text or…